Landing product sales page produced for a Thomson Reuters New Zealand legal solution – A to Z of NZ Law Topics. The product page required tabbed navigation for overview, topics and contact trainer pages. Topics page included adopting UI pattern accordions for condensing a long list of topic groupings with external links to more information on each.
Product page was built out under Adobe Experience Manager (which is Thomson Reuter’s main website platform for their main domains coverage across AEM). Content order inserted/aligned into layout components for best UX result related to objectives (feature sets, links to contact and related products). Hero banner (including sourcing artwork), optimised and worked within the space so all text titles are readable.
Skills & tools: Adobe Experience Manager using page build components (hero header, content sections, titles, column layouts, video and CTA sections), Photoshop for images, on-page SEO.
View live page for A to Z Law Topics (at Thomson Reuters NZ)
Screenshot of 2 landing pages – Overview & Topics (click to view full size):